The function of hair is to protect us from environmental elements, and ultraviolet rays. It also acts as a filter for the nose, lashes, ears and reproductive areas to keep out dust and other airborne particles. Sweat on your brow is caught by your brow hair. Hair is also is a conduit of sensation for the skin. Much like a cat’s whiskers sense things, we too feel throughout hair. Hair allows for sebum to move upward and onto the skin’s surface to allow for additional protection.

Hair is made from a hard protein called keratin. It needs proper vitamins, minerals and nutrients to grow. Hair growth, color and texture are predetermined by genetics.

Hair Growth Cycle

It takes 8-13 weeks for hair to grow from the papilla to the surface of the skin.

• Anagen Phase – hair is in a growing or active phase that will re-root itself or grow back 10% of the time. This stage lasts for several months. Most of your body hair is in this phase of the cycle.

• Catagen Phase – a brief phase in which the hair bulb regresses and starts to shrink. The hair is growing upward and detaches itself from the bulb, and falls out.

• Telogen Phase – hair is in a resting state, and will grow back 20% of the time